Booking an appointment
All interested suppliers need to pre-book an appointment, to do so please read and follow the steps below;
Stage 1
Check you are able to offer the goods and services that are currently required by the buying teams by reading the Supplier Information Pack (PDF 529kb).
Stage 2
Please be selective when choosing which buying teams you would like to meet and only select those that have requested your goods/services. You can choose up to four companies but we may need to further limit appointments if demand is high.
Stage 3
To request an appointment/s download and complete the Booking Form (Word 260kb). Once completed please send the form to
Your booking form needs to be received by 5pm on 18th October 2018. If your form is not received by this date we will be unable to offer you any appointments.
Stage 4
We will endeavour to match you with the buying teams that are requesting the goods and services you supply and will send you an email confirming the details of your appointment(s) by Wednesday 7th November. We will be unable to confirm any appointments before this date.
Please be aware we will endeavour to match as many companies as possible with appointments, however, due to high demand appointments cannot be guaranteed.